Published by Boston Borough Council.
Plans for the redevelopment, refurbishment and two-storey extension to a Boston leisure centre have been approved. The proposals for the Geoff Moulder Leisure Centre would see the existing two pools retained which combined with the proposed changes would make a significant positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of the community.
The plans form part of the £21.9m of funding received from the government, which looks to provide additional facilities for the town, utilising here the public and training pools under one roof.
This important project seeks to significantly enhance the appearance and functionality of the leisure centre; with a focus on the provision of new and improved facilities including new entrance; gym facilities; and a new changing village suitable for all users. The access to the centre would be remodelled and there would be a shared pick-up/drop-off and coach facility, along with a new high quality public plaza to bring together the two schemes, providing an attractive and functional new place for people to enjoy.
A design statement submitted by the developers said the vision was for the site to “promote a contemporary aesthetic, forming a high-quality development which also enhances the appearance of the overall site.”
“The considered scale and form of the extension respects the existing neighbouring homes, and the proposed new development for Boston College.”
“The proposals will reflect Boston Council’s ambition to promote leisure activity in a modern and sustainable setting with the development playing a key role in the infrastructure of future growth.”
John Leach, Deputy Chief Executive for Communities at Boston Borough Council, said: “This decision is a very important step on the road to new improved leisure facilities for the borough.
“As you would expect the application was considered in detail by planning officers who took into account comments from a range of statutory consultees and local people.
“This redevelopment and extension will provide local residents and the wider area, with the facilities they want and rightly deserve.”
Mr Leach added the next steps would include engaging a main contractor to undertake the works and considerations regarding future operating models.
“I hope current and potential users of the centre are as excited as I am that the promise of a revised, refreshed, modern, family-orientated centre is becoming closer than ever with this scheme aiming to be delivered by Spring 2025.”
The Boston Town Deal Board, said: “It is great news that planning consent has been granted for the redevelopment of the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex.
“These significant improvement works are set to create new and enhanced leisure facilities for Boston that will play a crucial role in supporting local people’s health and wellbeing.
“We can also look forward to the complex linking with the exciting new Mayflower building through a proposed new plaza. This will create an enhanced public realm that will connect these important buildings, bringing together leisure and education facilities in the town all made possible by the significant Town Deal investment into these projects.”