Want to know more about Boston Town Board?

Here you’ll find answers to some frequently asked questions about who we are, what we do, and how we are making a difference for Boston. If you have a question for us, then please do get in touch – BostonTownDeal@boston.gov.uk and we’ll be happy to help.

What is the Boston Town Board?

The Boston Town Deal Board was set up in 2020 after it was announced that Boston would benefit from the Towns Fund, a new fund set up to support investment and regeneration in town centres and high streets.

Together with Boston Borough Council, the Town Deal Board worked to develop a Town Investment Plan – shaped by public consultation and engagement – which identified how the funding could be invested in Boston to make a difference.

Since then, the Board has expanded its role to provide a supporting and oversight role to further investment in Boston through government funding.

Today, and now known simply as Boston Town Board, members are working together with the council, stakeholders, partners, and the community to identify, support, and fulfil new and future opportunities for Boston.

Who are the Boston Town Board members?

All the Boston Town Board members give their time freely and are drawn from the public and private sectors.  You can find out about all our members here: Our people

Who is the Chair of the Boston Town Board?

The Chair of the Board is Jo Brigham. Jo, who like all board members gives her time freely, is a highly experienced senior leader who has held chief executive and director roles within a broad range of organisations. Find out more about Jo’s appointment here: New Chair Appointed for Boston Town Board

What is the aim of the Boston Town Board?

The Boston Town Board is committed to Boston and all members share an ambition for the town to realise its significant potential. Together with partners, the Board is working to make a difference for the town, and to support a brilliant Boston for everyone.

What does the Board do?

The Board is responsible for overseeing the Towns Fund investment and projects which are being delivered for the town. The Board developed the projects as part of the Town Investment Plan, and now review progress and ensure the projects are being effectively implemented.

In addition, the Board is overseeing the recently confirmed government funding (previously known as Long Term Plan for Towns funding) and will be working to develop a plan for how this funding is invested in the town. This plan will be shaped by public feedback.

The Board also takes an overview of the Levelling Up, Levelling Up Partnership, and UK Shared Prosperity Funding that is being invested in the town, with these funding strands managed and delivered by partners. The Board works to ensure that the Towns Fund and the Long Term Plan for Towns funding and projects fit with the other investment and activities that are being delivered for Boston.

How does the Board work?

The Board meets in person on a bi-monthly basis. Due to commercial sensitivity, these meetings are closed but the agenda and minutes are published here: Document Library

In addition, between its formal meetings, the Board holds less formal or working group meetings when programmes or  projects and themes require specific focused work.

How much Towns Fund funding was awarded to Boston?

£21.9M in Towns Fund funding was awarded to Boston. Match funding provides an extra £19.8m giving a £41.7m investment total through the projects.

What projects are being supported through the Towns Fund?

There are eight projects being supported  through the Towns Fund:

  • The Mayflower, an inspirational new learning space: The Mayflower
  • Boston Leisure Centre, which will see the transformation of the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex: The Boston Leisure Project
  • Boston Railway Station, where extensive refurbishment works are being carried out that will improve the experience for everyone using the station: Boston Railway Station
  • The Centre for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics, which offered business support, expert advice, and funding to businesses operating in sectors including food manufacturing, logistics, food retailers, restaurants and cafes, food supplies, and professional services: Centre for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics
  • Healing the High Street which is investing in in the refurbishment of buildings in Boston’s historic town centre through a grants scheme: Healing the High Street
  • Shodfriars Hall, which will see work to conserve this historic building: Shodfriars Hall
  • St Botolph’s Library and Lighting, which has seen the Stump’s historic library restored and brought back into use. In addition, the internal and external lighting is currently being replaced and improved: Botolph’s Lighting & Library Conservation
  • Blenkin Memorial Hall, which has seen the repair, renovation, and redevelopment of this important community hub: Blenkin Memorial Hall

How were the projects chosen?

Following the announcement of the Towns Fund for Boston, the Town Board worked to develop a Town Investment Plan – shaped by public consultation and engagement – which identified how the funding could be invested in the town to make a difference.

The plan reflected the criteria and guidance for the funding which meant there was a clear focus on which projects were chosen.

The projects identified within the plan met the criteria, and were also developed based on community feedback.

When will the projects be completed?

The Towns Fund investment will be delivered by end March 2026.

The Blenkin Memorial Hall and St Botolph’s Library project are already completed. The Centre for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics will finish at the end of 2024.

The Mayflower is expected to open its doors in September 2025 and the Boston Railway Station improvements will complete in the first half of 2025.

Who is delivering the Boston Town Board projects on a day-to-day basis?

At the heart of the delivery of the projects and investment for Boston is a team of people who are making sure that the plans for the town are translated into reality. This includes officers from South East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership who look after every aspect of the project delivery on a day-to-day basis, from implementation to overseeing the finances to liaising with government.

The delivery team also includes staff in our partner organisations – Boston College, Heritage Lincolnshire, East Midlands Railway, University of Lincoln, and the Parish of Boston – who are making sure that the projects get off the ground.

Which organisations are responsible for the delivery of each project?

  • The Mayflower project is being delivered by Boston College;
  • The Boston Leisure Centre project is being delivered by Boston Borough Council;
  • The Boston Railway Station improvements are being delivered by East Midlands Railway;
  • The Centre for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics is being delivered by University of Lincoln and the National Centre for Food Manufacturing working with Boston College;
  • Healing the High Street is being delivered by Heritage Lincolnshire;
  • St Botolph’s Library and Lighting and Blenkin Memorial Hall are delivered by the Parish of Boston.

What is the Long Term Plan for Towns?

In October 2023,  the previous government announced £20M (£2M per annum over 10 years) n Long Term Plan for Towns funding for Boston, to be invested around the themes of safety and security; high streets, heritage, and regeneration, and transport and connectivity.

Following on from this announcement, in summer 2024, Boston Town Board carried out consultation with the community to understand local people’s thoughts and ideas for how this funding could be invested in the town. You can read the findings of this consultation here: Boston-Consultation-FINAL-Report-August-2024.pdf

A change in government paused the programme and funding but in the October 2024 budget, it was confirmed that ‘the Long-Term Plan for Towns will be retained and reformed into a new regeneration programme’. The Board and the Borough Council welcomed this news and await further details. You can read a statement on the funding here: Boston Town Board Response to Autumn Budget

The findings of the consultation, and further engagement to find out people’s views in line with the criteria, will help to shape how this funding is invested in Boston.

How can I find out more?

  • Our website has lots of information on what we do: Welcome to Boston Town Deal Website
  • You can also follow us on social media: Facebook and Boston Town Board: Overview | LinkedIn
  • We will shortly be publishing our annual report for 2023-2024; you can find all of our annual reports here: Document Library You can also find minutes of our meetings here, and other useful documents.
  • We send out a regular Chair’s Update from our Chair Jo Brigham. If you would like to receive this directly in your email inbox, please email: BostonTownDeal@boston.gov.uk
  • We also take part in events throughout the year, you can find out more about these on our social media channels.
  • We will also be carrying out engagement around the new government funding previously known as Long Term Plan for Towns. We will let you know how you can get involved with this on our website, social media channels, and we will be sharing updates with the local media.
  • For everything else, for any other questions, we are happy to help: BostonTownDeal@boston.gov.uk