Dolphin Lane Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will businesses on Dolphin Lane be open during the works?
A: Yes, absolutely. The works are being carried out in phases to keep disruption to a minimum so people will still be able to visit and use local businesses during the works. Lanes may be closed from one entrance, but entry can be gained via other entrances.
Q: Why are the improvements being carried out?
A: The works will see repairs and replacements to Dolphin Lane that will not only make it easier and better for people to visit and use this area but will also improve its appearance. High-quality materials will be used for the improvements.
Q: How will the improvements fit with the heritage of the area?
A: Yorkstone paving is being used for the pedestrian footway. This fits with and reflects the historic character of the town centre. Yorkstone paving is also more durable and long-lasting and is a high-quality material.
What’s more, these improvements will provide a more consistent appearance between Dolphin Lane and the Market Place.
Q: When is the work expected to complete?
The work is expected to finish by the end of October. The work is taking place over this time period because the improvements are being carried out in phases to keep disruption to local businesses at a minimum. Also, it is quite complicated work which means it takes more time to carry out.
Q: What exact works are taking place?
A: The current pedestrian footway is being replaced with Yorkstone paving, reflecting the historic character of the town centre. Further improvements will see repairs and replacements to the current bollards as well as the installation of a new bin and bench. And the installation of four-cycle stands will help to support active travel in the town.
Q: Who is behind the improvements to Dolphin Lane?
A: The Dolphin Lane works, which are funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund, Lincolnshire County Council, and Boston Town Deal, are part of a wider transformation programme which includes the restoration and repair of historic buildings in the Boston town centre.
Q: What are the wider improvements that are taking place in Boston?
A: Boston Town Deal’s Healing the High Street project is part of Boston Town Deal and is being carried out by Heritage Lincolnshire. It includes the refurbishment and repair of properties, the replacement of shopfronts, the restoration of historic features, and the installation of new signage.
Find out more about the works here: Boston Dolphin Lane Rejuvenation – Lincolnshire County Council.