People are being invited to a special event where they can find out more about the multi-million-pound investment and transformational improvements that are being delivered in Boston.
The Boston Town Deal exhibition event is taking place on Thursday, 28th September, at Blenkin Memorial Hall and will showcase the aspirational projects that have been made possible through the £21.9M Towns Funding, which was announced for Boston in 2021.
From 2pm – 5.30pm, members of the public will be able to drop in to the hall to learn about Boston Town Deal projects such as the Mayflower, a unique and inspiring learning, business, and community space that is set to be developed at Boston College. There will also be updates on other projects, including the Boston Leisure Project, which will see the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex refurbished to offer enhanced facilities, and Boston Railway Station, which will soon benefit from improvements to offer an improved experience for everyone who uses the station.
Attendees will be able to see for themselves the difference that the Towns Fund investment is making as Blenkin Memorial Hall – the venue for the event – has recently undergone extensive renovation and restoration to strengthen its role as an important community hub.
Members of the Boston Town Deal board will be on hand throughout the exhibition event to answer questions, and visitors will also be able to view a film about the projects and their progress.
The drop-in exhibition event will be followed by a presentation by the Chair of the Boston Town Deal Board, Neil Kempster, that will take place from 5:30 pm – 7 pm. Anyone who wishes to attend the presentation can book their place by emailing or calling 01205 314200.
The last year has been one of significant progress for Boston Town Deal and we are keen to update local people on what has been achieved, and the ambitions that will be realised in the coming years.
The exhibition event will give visitors the opportunity to meet with project leads and board members and find out about the exciting projects that are being delivered.
We do hope that people can join us on the 28th September in Blenkin Memorial Hall - a building which showcases just what a difference the Towns Fund investment is making in Boston.
Neil KempsterChair of Boston Town Deal
The refurbishment of the Blenkin Memorial Hall is the first completed project in a series of local initiatives that are being delivered through the Town Deal, and it’s refreshing that our town is actually thought of very highly by those in government who monitor progress across the country. This is something that Boston has done well and we should be very proud of that! I would like to strongly encourage local residents to come along to the event on 28th September 2023 so that they can see for themselves the types of projects which are really going to make a positive difference to our Borough.
Cllr Anne DorrianLeader of Boston Borough Council
Anyone wishing to find out more about the Boston Town Deal exhibition event can do so by emailing